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wallace123 2013-3-21 21:37
Hi, Tony, I'm Wallace. 因我個電話維修中,所以無左啲whatsapp contact. Pls. Give me a call when you are free as I want to meet you again sometime next week. Thx. Wallace 98001016
wallace123 2013-3-5 14:27
Thx. for reply 98001016
CKPBEST 2013-3-4 17:35
C hing, pls. leave your phone number and I will whatsapp some pictures to you asap, thank you.
wallace123 2013-3-4 12:20
盾 , hi my daughter want to buy, how much and where to see?

CKPBEST 2013-1-30 00:19
Sorry, Sold already, thank you.
joey 2013-1-28 08:10
CKPBEST 2013-1-25 02:25
sure, I will send u tomorrow, Thank you.
maokee 2013-1-25 02:14
Can you whatsapp the pics of Sulcata tortoises to 94611690
Have interest !
bulldog7763 2013-1-24 20:30
Please whatsapp photo to 59898470
CKPBEST 2013-1-24 13:58
師姐,18cm $1500 及 13.5cm $1200, 兩隻要哂 $2500, 如你是學生可 $2300, Thank you, 請留電。
joey 2013-1-24 10:40


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