Hi (sorry can't type Chinese)
Just realize the biggest 'Grass' turtle had lost a big piece of skin off his left ankle, with pink meat exposed. It could be from a biting injury but he's already the biggest and meanest turtle of 4.
He's moving around fine with normal good appetite. I have him isolated in dry condition now.
Please advise how to treat this (or just let it self cure?). I've used a drop of 龜精靈 as I have no 優碘 at home.
聽日落藥房買優碘啦....普通藥房都有...唔好浸水住,乾養.... 仲有可以去買SILVIRSULF CREAM 藥房有售.... 每日搽1-3次作者: chim 時間: 2011-8-30 23:08
暫時滴完龜精乾養一晚先,傷口咁大,用SILVIRSULF CREAM 好d, 藥房有售....作者: 肥貓史史 時間: 2011-8-30 23:10
頭先打錯@@ 比人見到tim作者: bishonen 時間: 2011-8-30 23:22
Thanks! Will get SILVIRSULF CREAM and 優碘 tmr. Any idea how long it'd take to cure?
Yes its 混養 with another 草. Lived together for 5 years now. Guess since he bit off her tail a year ago, this would be her revenge.作者: 龜蛋一名 時間: 2011-8-31 01:33
咁多雞腸唔識答你~.~作者: chim 時間: 2011-8-31 11:53
It probably take a week for the wound to dry up but complete healing may take longer time (e.g. a month or even longer)...
You need to apply the cream 2 to 3 times daily to the wound for a least a week...
Hope that your little turtle recover soon....作者: 豬仙人 時間: 2011-8-31 11:56