
標題: 介紹一下變異草既眼 [打印本頁]

作者: 權強    時間: 2015-2-20 20:39
標題: 介紹一下變異草既眼




作者: billy815    時間: 2015-2-20 22:22
作者: herbalchung    時間: 2015-2-20 23:53
如果眼球無灰藍色嘅全白化, 同圖一交配的話,
作者: 權強    時間: 2015-2-21 00:26
本帖最後由 權強 於 2015-2-21 00:43 編輯
herbalchung 發表於 2015-2-20 23:53
如果眼球無灰藍色嘅全白化, 同圖一交配的話,

我上面既係t+黎,所以如果t+ 同 t- 雜,唔會出得番t-。
作者: 權強    時間: 2015-2-21 00:35
billy815 發表於 2015-2-20 22:22

作者: 權強    時間: 2015-2-21 00:47
herbalchung 發表於 2015-2-20 23:53
如果眼球無灰藍色嘅全白化, 同圖一交配的話,


我岩岩唸住PM 你再講,但唸唸下又怕教錯你,所以copy番出黎討論,有咩錯等堆高手出黎插下我,改番岩佢。

Here are some information about t+ and t-.
Actually no one(as least I haven't heard of any) has done any test on Mauremys reevesii to find out the enzymes responsible for so called"t+" albino. As a result, I can't firmly tell you what morph will exactly be coming out after mixing a SPA and a t- together. However, I can at least tell you t- won't be coming out. (Maybe t+ will also come out if the t- albino you have carry some t+ genes of the same kind(I don't know.)) However, if you buy 2 t+ from me, t+ babies will definitely hatch out from the eggs. If you get 2 t-. they will also give birth to t- babies.

Correct me if I am wrong.

The following paragraphs are copied from a thread.

Don't know if this will help, but I found this

Making melanin (black) pigment starts with the amino acid tyrosine. It goes through a dozen or so chemical changes before becoming melanin. Tyrosinase is the enzyme that catalyses the first two chemical changes. One gene carries the information for making tyrosinase. If the gene changes enough, the resulting enzyme can't do its job, and no melanin gets made. The changed gene has become a tyrosinase-negative albino mutant gene.

Some animals lack melanin but have normal tyrosinase. Then the mutant gene causing the lack is called the tyrosinase-positive albino mutant gene in spite of having nothing to do with tyrosinase. A better name would be the _____-negative mutant gene, where _____ is filled with the name of the defective enzyme. Unfortunately, we don't know the name of the defective enzyme, yet.

The Dopa Test is a biochemical test that determines whether a mutant gene is tyrosinase-negative or not. Information about it is in H.B. Bechtel's book, Amphibian and Reptile Variants.

Ideally, there is one tyrosinase-negative mutant gene and one tyrosinase-positive mutant gene. Too bad the real world does not conform to that ideal model.

In leopard geckos, there are three unrelated albino mutant genes. Nobody has done the Dopa Test on any of them. Not more than one of them can be the tyrosinase-negative mutant. Possibly none is the tyrosinase-negative mutant.

Albino black rat snakes, corn snakes, and some others have been tested with the Dopa Test. But many others, including albino boa constrictors and ball pythons, have not. In boa constrictors, there are two albino mutants, Kahl albino and Sharp albino. Both are called tyrosinase-negative mutants without any evidence. Only one can be the tyrosinase-negative mutant, but which? And possibly both are tyrosinase positive.

In boa constrictors and some other snakes, any mutant gene that reduces the amount of, but does not eliminate, the black pigment is called a tyrosinase-positive albino mutant gene. This adds several more unrelated mutants to the mixture.
作者: herbalchung    時間: 2015-2-21 01:16
權強 發表於 2015-2-21 00:26
我上面既係t+黎,所以如果t+ 同 t- 雜,唔會出得番t-。
有錯請改。 ...

師兄借你圖一用示意望勿介意   圖內左右小圖亦網圖

我想講眼白位置, 有少少灰藍色(我感覺)同上左或上右小圖所出子代會紅眼嗎?
作者: 權強    時間: 2015-2-21 01:31
herbalchung 發表於 2015-2-21 01:16
師兄借你圖一用示意望勿介意   圖內左右小圖亦網圖

但係你如果兩隻都係t+或兩隻都係t-,就可以出番同款既紅眼。i.e. t+出番紅眼t+(好似我隻咁), t-出番紅眼t-(右上圖咁)。
所以回應番,你用SPA配右邊t-,應該出同時有t-  [i.e.(t-/t+)],又有我隻t+令到melanin製造過程中停左既gene既虎紋草(唔係普通草)。

如果你有睇開外國論壇先排有人嘈緊一個人隻t+ Sternotherus carinatus 係唔係真係紅眼,最後結論係影相影得差...... 所以睇相真係好難作準。(好似係FB既theturtleroom,唔肯定)
作者: herbalchung    時間: 2015-2-21 01:50
權強 發表於 2015-2-21 01:31
而我隻SPA係t+,t-同t+配係多數出唔番紅眼(除非其中一隻有 ...

好清楚明白, 唔該哂師兄
作者: 肥仔    時間: 2015-2-22 01:48

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