經過長期學術研究和爬蟲愛好者及爬蟲繁殖家持續不斷的研究引導下製造出來的產品。 包含大量及廣泛的鈣,維生素和礦物質。特別設計給陸龜, 能幫助提供健康均衡的飲食。 只需放在新鮮蔬菜和水果上面, 亦可用把新鮮蔬菜和水果放進袋內與KOMODO 陸龜專用營 養添加劑一起混合使用!。保證分析: 蛋白質 14%, 油份及脂肪 2%, 纖維 10%, Ash 8%, 鈣 2.2%, 磷 0.9%, 維他命 A 20000iu/kg, D-3 40000iu/kg, E 45mg/kg成份: Vitamins A, B1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 12, C, D3, K and E, calcium pantothenate, spirulina, kelp, pure marigold, probiotic bacteria, chloride, phosphorus, fine grade calcium carbonate, rosehip, yeast, micronized wheat, biofac, dextrose, alfalfa meal, wheat flour.
Komodo's Premium Vegetable Booster for Tortoises has been scientifically formulated to provide all the essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements required by most species of Tortoise. Designed to be applied to vegetables before being offered to a Tortoise, using our supplements alongside correct UVB lighting also ensures the Tortoise makes best use of the nutrients within this supplement.