美國陸龜研究機構 Tortoise Trust 明確聲明非洲龜,特別係盾龜及豹龜唔識冬眠............ http://www.tortoisetrust.org/articles/safer.html
"Testudo graeca can hibernate while Geochelone sulcata does not. The Tortoise Trust has books and other information dealing specifically with Geochelone sulcata if required......Geochelone pardalis is the African Leopard Tortoise. They do not hibernate. "作者: Johannchan 時間: 2011-10-1 01:53 本帖最後由 Johannchan 於 2011-10-1 01:54 編輯
美國陸龜研究機構 Tortoise Trust 明確聲明非洲龜,特別係盾龜及豹龜唔識冬眠............ http://www.tortoisetrust.org/articles/safer.html
"Testudo graeca can hibernate while Geochelone sulcata does not. The Tortoise Trust has books and other information dealing specifically with Geochelone sulcata if required......Geochelone pardalis is the African Leopard Tortoise. They do not hibernate. "作者: waiman 時間: 2011-10-1 02:03