come on.....even look at the shell it's already enough to tell
razorback at this size must have a high roof and their pattern is different!作者: m.3 時間: 2011-7-4 01:01
it is 100% 巨頭 for sure.
Anyway, 鷹揚天際 u can take a photo to prove it!作者: 封之介 時間: 2011-7-4 01:04
其實就咁睇背甲已經知係巨頭~不過真係好多新手玩家唔識分~貼埋底甲都無懷...網上交易講個信字...只係影多一張相就可以比到人更大信心作者: 鷹揚天際 時間: 2011-7-4 01:35
m.3 發表於 2011-7-4 01:01
it is 100% 巨頭 for sure.
Anyway, 鷹揚天際 u can take a photo to prove it!
thx for support too! the loggerhead photos shared by u in another forum are very nice!作者: 鷹揚天際 時間: 2011-7-4 10:29
push作者: jasonsz 時間: 2011-7-4 11:04
尋日見到嘅龜仔?作者: 鷹揚天際 時間: 2011-7-4 12:42
jasonsz 發表於 2011-7-4 11:04
yes ar, your mazuri pellets are very nice i use them to force feed my 瑤山作者: 鷹揚天際 時間: 2011-7-4 18:00
anyone interested?作者: 鷹揚天際 時間: 2011-7-4 18:25
hey fast trade can enjoy discount作者: nickszp 時間: 2011-7-4 19:07
應該喺巨頭,不過背花少D。作者: 鷹揚天際 時間: 2011-7-4 20:29 本帖最後由 鷹揚天際 於 2011-7-4 20:30 編輯
nickszp 發表於 2011-7-4 19:07
咪係囉, 我心諗唔貼埋張底甲相出黎就唔識分, 不如咪玩旦龜啦
兩種龜大把地方唔同, 有幾可刀旦呢個SIZE仲係橙底作者: 鷹揚天際 時間: 2011-7-4 22:28
back to the top作者: 鷹揚天際 時間: 2011-7-5 13:17
PUSHPUSH作者: mikekwong 時間: 2011-7-5 19:16
好正 冇銀