Trade in Po Lam station. 作者: michaelphone 時間: 2012-9-29 10:53
what are your setting作者: kitman1990 時間: 2012-9-29 11:22
咩SETTING呀????作者: wilhung88 時間: 2012-9-29 11:26
12" x 12" tank & 100W light. It may be too dry for her. so she seldon open eye except eating.
I extend their house double & have open area this weak. But in these two days, she don't open its eye even eating. She only open a very little of eye line. 作者: wilhung88 時間: 2012-9-29 11:45
reserverd to Royal. Thanks.作者: kitman1990 時間: 2012-9-29 12:26
wilhung88 發表於 2012-9-29 11:26
12" x 12" tank & 100W light. It may be too dry for her. so she seldon open eye except eating.
I ext ...
你幾多濕度??作者: 我愛肥龜 時間: 2012-9-29 13:26
i will get it,when,any photos?作者: royal 時間: 2012-9-29 17:49 本帖最後由 royal 於 2012-9-29 17:49 編輯
先前以為開食只是眼疾問題, 因下午剛經過寶林, 故應承幫忙先醫. 因有眼水及bac 等間單藥物. 16:00 左右取龜後. 見有些少太陽順便同龜哂下, 看看狀態. 哂左五分鐘左右, 無開眼及走動. 回家後照住燈浸了15 mins 暖水加了小許寶礦力, 無走動過但有開過眼一陣, 之後好快就合返眼. 跟住再看看. 龜眼有些下陷, 近尾d 肉位好乾. 現放在箱中 隔離.
同龜主商量同意之下在此看看有沒有經驗的 c hing 可以幫到隻豹. 如有經驗的可醫龜的c hing可以今晚在將近澳站取龜.
希望可以幫到隻 龜. 作者: wilhung88 時間: 2012-9-30 21:57
Thanks for Royal.作者: wilhung88 時間: 2012-9-30 22:06
100W may be too hot & dry for it. I already extend the turtle house to 28" for the other tutles. I havn't measure the humidity for the turtle hosue.