作者: phoebemok 時間: 2012-11-14 15:02
巴西女應該唔會求偶作者: tung_chan 時間: 2012-11-14 15:22
oh! really?
anybody agree with her?
have i determine its sex wrongly????
??作者: tung_chan 時間: 2012-11-14 15:24
by the way....
no matter it is a boy or girl~~
why he/ she lovessss my hi-tec-c???
it's so funny~~~!!! 作者: bumblebee 時間: 2012-11-14 15:38
我估佢覺得你支筆想攻擊佢,佢想嚇走你支筆,嚇唔走就想咬攻擊返你支筆作者: tung_chan 時間: 2012-11-14 15:42
不是求偶嗎??><作者: toytoy3993 時間: 2012-11-14 17:13