"Leopard tortoises are found in the savannas of eastern and southern Africa, from Sudan to the southern Cape. It is the only member of the genus Stigmochelys, but in the past it was commonly placed in Geochelone instead. This chelonian is a grazing species of tortoise that favors semi-arid, thorny to grassland habitats, It is, however, also found in some regions featuring a higher level of precipitation." - Tortoise Trust(陸龜保育基金會)
唔會 ~ 你有水盆佢都有可能自己入去浸水 作者: 水族玩家 時間: 2013-3-24 13:36
其實我覺得都要視乎你的龜是幼體定成體!通風是一定的!幼體比較偏濕較佳,成體倒沒所謂!隆背反而和餵食多寡有較大影響!作者: Doraemon 時間: 2013-3-24 14:06
豹B因surface area to volume ratio 比例高,所以每天浸暖水是方便排便及給牠喝水。作者: Doraemon 時間: 2013-3-24 14:17 回復 lktq 的帖子
小龜8cm以下最好一天浸一至兩次暖水,助排便及給牠補充水份。因surface area to volume ratio 高。
食物就多方面,mix各牌子糧加桑葉丶車前草丶菜心丶芥蘭。B可每天餵,一星期停一次及浸nutribac一次。如果食糧,multivitamins and calcium可以兩星期才加一次。
最重要注意呼吸系統,其實所有陸龜人工飼養都易生病,因環境小丶空氣不太流通及沒有陽光殺菌。作者: twslee 時間: 2013-3-24 14:26 回復 climbv35907 的帖子
Please go ahead then. You have your own decision. Sorry, it's not a debate, I just shared the scientific information with whom believing it.作者: dragonkomodo 時間: 2013-3-24 14:28 本帖最後由 dragonkomodo 於 2013-3-26 16:40 編輯
Agreed. IP address alone is not personal data itself. It becomes personal data together with user name or email address. Anyway, I think I should not involve in this topic anymore since it is no longer sharing.
Thank you very much for your clarifications.作者: twslee 時間: 2013-3-24 21:24 回復 joeyball 的帖子
Dear joeyball, I am very sorry to attract these irrelevant discussions here. Pls accept my apology.作者: joeyball 時間: 2013-3-24 21:49
多謝各位嘅寶貴資料,大家都是愛龜之人,一齊加油努力!多謝多謝作者: lktq 時間: 2013-3-24 23:02 回復 Doraemon 的帖子
當中只有隱敝處(hide box)才高濕,其他地方濕度50%。可參考吓。 http://www.tortoiseforum.org/thread-63792.html
"For leopard tortoises less than 4 inches carapace length, I maintain an average level of humidity of about 50% throughout the enclosure. This is done by soaking the soil in the enclosure, using a spray bottle, and using a small humidifier when necessary. The humidity inside the hide box is around 80 - 90%. When maintaining high levels of humidity, it is important to monitor the ambient temperatures to make sure they do not get to dangerous levels. As mentioned, the hide boxes I use are located right beneath the mercury vapor bulb which creates temperatures inside the hide at about 85F. " 作者: climbv35907 時間: 2013-3-25 20:11