This is not the right attitude to be a pet owner
You should give it all to your turtle
Although they may seems little but they would like to live as well
They are creatures they couldn't seek medical help themselves
As a pet owner you should try your best to heal the turtle
Give the turtle whatever they deserve作者: 龜大仙 時間: 2013-5-4 18:35 回復 jefflamcy 的帖子
This is sooooo gonna be the hottest post for the monthI'm totally gutted with your attitude for raising a turtle
If you don't want to raise it
I'll adopt it And ensure a better living condition 作者: 一蚊一隻龜 時間: 2013-5-4 18:44
師姐我已留意樓主很久他不在版說買龜但問他龜龜情況他不回復真不知有多小龜龜以往生只有為這些龜龜說阿彌陀佛作者: Alvin-MP5 時間: 2013-5-5 09:55
龜盲左九成係你D水有問題,你唔會係用自來水冇隔晚就用掛?要醫眼炎其實$40買支Zoomed Eye Drop or $30蚊買支龜眼寶,日日幫佢整兩三滴已經得,你個隻龜仲要白瞙都未出,可能二個禮拜都唔洗就生生猛猛。佢唔食野?我相信佢餓死的機率係比你玩死的機率低既,龜係一種幾難餓死的生物~要醫佢係米好簡單呢??請馬上出去買藥,冇錢?我想起某個師兄既話:"唔食一餐飯已經夠錢買支藥,你連一餐飯都唔肯付出,你不如米養龜LA!"(唔記得邊個Ching講...)太遠?天水圍出中蜂都係幾個站,唔好扮蟹了...