仲有你次次活動都話想報名... 之後最後又多多借口話唔去...
你知唔知你咁做會十分浪費我既精神 and 時間... 令人十分討厭架...
我攪呢 d 活動目的都係想大家年青人多多接觸大自然... 唔好掛住打機上網...
次次活動都係蝕錢去攪... 我花錢花時間去攪活動我好樂意...
但係花時間去應付你呢 d 無聊人真係令我想死...
你成日呃水吹... 成日做 d 無聊野... 問完人去唔去得之後又唔去... 浪費我時間精神...
大佬我無欠你架... 你唔好再煩我啦... 我真係頂你唔順喇... 作者: Dicken 時間: 2011-8-12 13:16
龜痴 發表於 2011-8-12 12:30
回復 Dicken 的帖子
作者: Samurai 時間: 2011-8-12 14:24
Can I join? I will back HK on Sat noon...but I don't have any CAMPING Equipment,... 作者: 龜痴 時間: 2011-8-12 15:13 回復 Samurai 的帖子
sure... pm me your tel no.
no need to worry... we will share the tent and the cook-set...
believe me, in this summer time, you don't want a sleeping bag...
all i need is to prepare some extra food...
just bring along a big back pack, a torch with spare batteries and water...
this is a very short trip... about 20km hike with little assending/descending...
everything will be fine...作者: Samurai 時間: 2011-8-12 16:58 回復 龜痴 的帖子
Thanks for your hospitality!
For me sleeping on the Grassland is fine as I always do...then I will bring the Night Hiking stuff only with photo gears.
Btw, any chance for the sunrise/set photo shooting?作者: SOLA71478 時間: 2011-8-12 23:30
如果係星期日可能會多人去作者: naruto1234 時間: 2011-8-13 00:11