I was laughed and mocked by my elder brother's wife that "帶龜看醫生? 傻仔! The turle is only 幾十元."
I explained that it was because I respect life, even it was only 幾十元. Life is not measured/ valued by that way. You can use the money spent in vet to buy many many turles, but they will never be the same as the one you have before. As a responsible host, I only did what I should do.
She didn't even know that there is vet for turtle. (?!) She said turtles won't suffer illness and will never feel sick. "How you know that it had skin diseases? What? The turle got a cold? Impossible. Not eating suddenly for a week? It is normal. "
hahahaha~~放鬆~作者: bwk0317 時間: 2013-10-30 00:43
4 yrs ago I spent $100 to buy this 黃肚龜, she has grown up so big, last year her eyes became black I thought she was blind, spend $about $4k to see the vet.
不如去土瓜灣嗰個香港獸醫Dr Terry仲好 作者: Healthy 時間: 2013-10-31 18:32
Thanks for all ching ctse's support n encouragement.作者: rockybaby 時間: 2013-11-1 01:20
我帶隻看醫生花了一佰元,我太太就經常話我對隻龜好過對她作者: Johnson 時間: 2013-11-2 23:52
should it be ‘shock’?作者: evelyn_hml 時間: 2013-11-3 15:56 回復 Healthy 的帖子
正視生命就不會計較牠值唔值得付錢醫病作者: 周仔 時間: 2013-11-20 21:47
生命的價值不是人能定的,我們沒有權利去制定任何一種生命的價值。作者: mousse 時間: 2013-11-29 22:03
你應該因為自己感到自豪,唔洗因為人地講野唔開心,串啲可以同佢講,我係咁有錢同隻巴西睇醫生,有咩問題?????作者: Teddy西瓜 時間: 2013-11-29 22:15
我完全崩潰.作者: KENNETHLAU 時間: 2013-11-29 23:07
我隻盾B都睇緊醫生,宜家用左300蚊,但覺得個唔係幾埋想,諗住轉第二間,我之前仲請假睇,我女朋友話對龜仲好過對佢,作者: tty 時間: 2013-11-30 00:04
"I was laughed and mocked by my elder brother's wife that "帶龜看醫生? 傻仔! The turle is only 幾十元.""
我希望她會有 1 日 回頭是岸 .. .. ..