It's really pity to hear so many bad news from other CHING about their turtles were dead! Really due to weather is too hot, and some of them opened the air-cond. affected their turtles?
My opinion is hot weather is not the main reason causing turtles to die, but how to treat the turtles, and some invisible disease inside the turtles they have been catching may be the main reason.
pan11810, what do you think? 作者: music1012 時間: 2011-8-16 23:34
其實我覺得養bb龜 最緊要就當自己係小朋友 十分緊張自己養既寵物 就算得一個膠箱 加 少少水 bb龜都可以養到好大隻作者: pan11810 時間: 2011-8-16 23:42
龜之友 發表於 2011-8-16 23:31
回復 pan11810 的帖子
It's really pity to hear so many bad news from other CHING about their turtles ...
Sad but true, recently there are many cases of turtle sickness being heard.
Living environment could be a problem, and as what you have said, sometimes "luck" could also be the reason especially those new born baby turtles...
I've heard about that some hatching factory/site (dont know the actual would add medicine to those newly hatched baby so as to make them look more healthy & energetic. However, those turtle can't survive with their own immune system...that's why they can't live long... 作者: kkiop 時間: 2011-8-16 23:44
好多雞腸作者: marcohungkai 時間: 2011-8-16 23:46
同埋我都有用蝦乾引...冇計..個隻都係唔食..第2隻唔洗好耐就食哂..會唔會分一分開佢地比隻唔食野既龜食下野會好D?作者: 龜之友 時間: 2011-8-17 00:15 回復 pan11810 的帖子
English lesson practice?
Yes, I agreed your point. Just you can found many cases that BB turtles goes OK when we just brought them back to home, eating OK, energetic.. but suddenly goes in opposite way in 1 day... don't eat, don't swim, eager to slepp all day, then... end it's life....
That's why some turtle seller(中蜂的advice actually) recommend us to separate the newly brought BB turtles at least 7 days from our old turtles(don't put them together immediately)... Observe them to ensure he/she is in good condition after 1 wk.作者: pan11810 時間: 2011-8-17 00:18
龜之友 發表於 2011-8-17 00:15
回復 pan11810 的帖子
English lesson practice?
Yea, you are right, and my newly bought Eastern Painted turtle is still in alone in that tiny plastic box...作者: pan11810 時間: 2011-8-17 00:19
It's good decision.
Previously, I didn't have such approach, and so, many turtles were dead within 1 month after the purchase. 作者: pan11810 時間: 2011-8-17 00:26