地址:銅鑼灣糖街1-5號 購物站商場1樓1042&1078舖
(營業時間一至日2:30pm - 9:00pm)
Tel : 3689 7998 & 9343 5341
電解液 礦物質營養液 PT1996 $42/支 使用份量:2滴/30ml(30毫升水加兩滴)
[/table] Electrolytes are minerals (magnesium, potassium, sodium, and calcium) that are lost through forms of dehydration, particularly in stress situations. Electrolyte maintains a balanced electrolyte flow within body fluids and supplies Vitamin D3 for proper calcium absorption. Vitamin D3 is vital for captive reptiles not exposed to UV-light to prevent or reverse metabolic bone disease.
- Restores and maintains electrolyte levels
- Prevents or reverses metabolic bone disease
- Helps in re-hydrating stressed animals
- Stimulates appetite, activity and normal behavior
- Strengthens the immune system
Electrolyte | PT1996 100 ml 3.3 fl oz |