動物哭訴大會 - 要求取締「私人繁殖動物再銷售」(English translation below - Thanks to Catherine)
。 可惜署方的建議不單缺乏「寵物零買賣的長遠願景」,也看
不到有半點打擊私人繁殖者的決心。 卻反過來建議向私人繁殖者發出多種不同牌照,予以合法繁
殖動物再銷售。 此舉只不過是將壞份子合零為整,聚而管之。 卻看不到如何可以促進動物的健康與福利。
前,已吸引了一批新入行的朋友加入業 界。 在立法會的公聽會上局長高永文也明言,牌照一旦發了,就
不大可能收回。 我們難道就要眼巴巴看著「寵物私人繁殖業」應運而生? 當看到「一樓一狗」或「寵物港」出現後才發聲?那時恨錯
⋯⋯ 請一起站出來為無助的動物發聲。我們要求修例取締「私人
時間:5:30pm - 7:00pm
動物地球(Animal Earth)
NPV 非牟利獸醫服務協會 (Non-Profit Making veterinary services society Ltd)
9x狗街坊互助網絡 (Guy Fond Dogs)
Weeping for Our Animal Friends
Millions of animals have been tortured in Hong Kong, this “civilized” city. We expected that the government could revise Law Article 139B to bring new hopes for the animals, yet the AFCD’s viewpoint falls short of far-reaching insight to curb the sale of pets. It carries no prospect of controlling private pet breeders. Instead, it suggested that the government could license private pet breeders so that the animal offspring could be sold legally at the market.
This worries us for the fact that the proposal would attract new entries to the industry before the morals of the existing breeders and the conditions of premises are checked. Once the licenses are issued there will be no way to withdrawal. No one wishes to see buildings and streets being congested with private cat or dog breeders.
Stand out to voice for our dear animal friends which are caged for their entire lives reproducing just for profiteering owners. We demand a legal revision to ban the sale of animals from private breeders!
Please find the detail of our Protest in below:
Event: Weeping for Our Animal Friends
Date: 24th November, 2012 (Saturday)
Time: 5:30 pm.
Venue: Admiralty Government Offices Entrance