1) 係上一手留低既石屬正常, 但唔代表已冇結石. 最好照一次x光或CT.
2) 如窗台D陽光冇隔左玻璃, 每天30min就夠. (多D更好), 可以不照UV燈.
3) 食物要加多D乾牧草, 乾牧草可泡完水至用.
4) 盾日頭要28-29c, 加熱射點33-35c, 唔好超過35c. 夜晚24c.
You need to provide your tortoise with daytime temperatures between approximately 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit (23 to 29 degrees Celsius). DO NOT keep the tortoise's enclosure warmer than this -- no matter what the pet store may tell you!
白天你需要給你的蘇卡達提供75-85f (23-29c)之間的溫度 . 無論哪一家寵物商店, 他們可能告訴你蘇卡達是需要用多少溫度, 你也別持續性給蘇超過29c的這個溫度.
People mistakenly assume that sulcata tortoises must be kept at high temperatures because they are desert animals. This is NOT true! When the temperature goes above 85 degrees F, sulcata tortoises will seek shelter from the heat in their underground burrows, and they will stay underground until temperatures drop to tolerable levels. Wild tortoises stay out of the mid-day sun and heat, only coming above-ground to eat and drink early in the morning or early in the evening after temperatures have dropped.
Always make sure that your tortoise has access to cooler areas or shade so that it can cool down when necessary. Nighttime temperatures should be lower than the daytime temperatures, but should not be allowed to drop below 60 degrees Fahrenheit (16 degrees Celsius).
大眾誤以為蘇卡達是沙漠中的動物, 但這是不是真的! 當溫度超過85f (29c)之時, 蘇卡達陸龜會進入牠的地下洞穴來躲避熱力, 他們會留在地下洞穴內, 直至氣溫已下降到蘇卡達可接受的程度, 野生蘇卡達會在中午的陽光熱力時不出地面, 只有在清晨或過了中午與傍晚, 在氣溫已下降了之時, 才會走出地下洞穴, 而到地面上吃喝.
要一直確保你的蘇卡達有陰冷的區域, 以便牠可以在必要時自我降溫. 夜間的溫度應比白天的溫度低, 但不容許下降到低過60f (16c).
5) 陶瓷係夜燈, 可加溫控.
6) 自從在2009年, 發現了UVB燈中的低波幅射線, 能秒殺人畜的細胞而有大危害之後, 西歐各燈廠至今還未能解決問題, 全球都沒有一個好的UVB節能燈/燈管/太陽燈, 目前最好別買任何UVB節能燈/燈管/太陽燈. 冬天可用保鮮膜, 或花店用來包花的玻璃紙, 封住一個膠箱或紙皮箱來保溫而曬陽光.
7) 嚇親會咁叫, 感冒亦會.
8) 要增加濕度.