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2011-8-19 23:42 回復|
yuk郁: Wisedom, byebye... I m a bad owner.. sorry:(
2011-8-18 06:51 回復|
2011-8-17 20:53 回復|
yuk郁: 在學校失控哭了…
2011-8-17 17:24 回復|
yuk郁: I m goin down down down...
  • mean2mean: are you okay? (8-17 10:36)
  • yuk郁: maybe not.. (8-17 10:52)
  • mean2mean: whats going on? (8-17 10:55)
  • yuk郁: my turtle was gone (8-17 11:00)
  • mean2mean: oh....really too bad ....dont be so sad .... take it easy babe... (8-17 11:11)
  • yuk郁: I m actually out of control now. I cant face this fact (8-17 11:13)
  • mean2mean: Just Pray ~ God will look after your turtle.. (8-17 11:21)
  • yuk郁: Ys, I will. Thank you for your comfort.. (8-17 11:26)
  • mean2mean: welcome...and take care~ ^0^ (8-17 11:27)
2011-8-17 09:29 回復|
jasonyiu111: 忍者x1,黑旦x1,刀旦x1,東油x1,紅耳x2~
2011-8-16 21:56 回復|
holokhinleo: haha
2011-8-16 13:36 回復|
mean2mean: Remove…Erase…Delete………Maybe the best way is replace..
2011-8-16 00:41 回復|
2011-8-15 18:47 回復|
Yin0424: 鱷龜!!!!正
2011-8-14 22:57 回復|
mean2mean: 太在乎~
2011-8-14 22:47 回復|
mean2mean: 大鑊~又一晚抑鬱發作
2011-8-13 01:57 回復|
yuk郁: 矛盾
2011-8-13 01:09 回復|
water: 我生病了,連百福都生病了
2011-8-12 16:19 回復|
sukky: 好鍾意我頭像果位男生>< 翔
2011-8-12 10:11 回復|
4848: [img][/img]
2011-8-12 01:49 回復|
gracias: Do not waste influence
2011-8-12 00:07 回復|
yuk郁: 好痛
2011-8-11 16:16 回復|
2011-8-11 11:56 回復|
dickyck: 家裡成了動物圓!
2011-8-11 07:12 回復|


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