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轉貼: 紅腿的飼養

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Feeding Red-foot and Yellow-foot tortoises
Geochelone carbonaria and G. denticulate
紅腿及黃腿象龜的飼養  Andy C. Highfield

Both of these large South American tropical tortoises are omnivorous to a greater or lesser extent.

Precise tastes and requirements vary, not only between the species, but also seasonally.
不只是因為品種不同的關係, 季節也會影響其喜好的口味及需求

One study of wild Yellow-foot and Red-foot tortoises revealed some interesting data on the eclectic dietary habitats of these species in Brazil (Moskovits and Bjorndal, 1990).
在 Brazil (Moskovits and Bjorndal, 1990) 一項黃腿及紅腿象龜的研究, 顯示牠們飲食方面取捨習慣的一些有趣的資料

In addition to flowers, leaves and fruits these species were seen to consume:
除了花和葉及水果, 牠們似乎還食用了下列食物:


Agouti, peccary, bird, snake, lizard, and deer carcasses.
刺鼠, 西貒, 鳥, 蛇, 蜥蝪, 鹿等屍體

Live prey:

Snails, ants, termites, bees, beetles, butterflies.
蝸牛, 螞蟻, 白蟻, 蜜蜂, 甲蟲, 蝴蝶                     

Mushrooms (several species), sand, soil, pebbles, tortoise feces, bark.
菇類 (一些品種), 砂, 土, 礫石, 龜糞, 樹皮

Other studies, e.g., Castano and Lugo (1981) reported a preference in G. carbonaria for red and yellow flowers.
其他的研究, 像是Castano and Lugo (1981) 報告紅腿象龜所喜好的紅色及黃色花朵

Fruits remain the main component in the diet of this species, however, comprising up to 70% of the total intake during the wet season and approximately 40% during the dry season.
水果類仍是這類象龜的主要飲食, 在潮溼的季節中, 水果佔所有攝取食物的 70%, 在乾季卻大約只有 40%

Fruits are normally consumed in a very ripe state after they have fallen from the tree. Some wild species consumed include:
Pasiflora coccinea, P. vespertilio, Ficus sp., Philodendron sp., Spondias luteas, Duguetia surinamensis, Mauritia flexuosa, Pouteria hirta and Brosimum potabile.

牠們吃的落果通常已經爛透. 這些野生龜龜所吃的水果包括:
Pasiflora coccinea, P. vespertilio, Ficus sp., Philodendron sp., Spondias luteas, Duguetia surinamensis, Mauritia flexuosa, Pouteria hirta and Brosimum potabile.

After fruits, flowers are the second most popular food of the Red-foot tortoise.
水果之外, 花朵是紅腿象龜第二常吃的食物

Favoured flowers in the wild include Jacaranda copaia, Mauritia flexuosa and Cholospermum orinocense.
在野地裏, 牠們喜歡的花朵有: Jacaranda copaia, Mauritia flexuosa and Cholospermum orinocense

During the dry season, such flowers constitute up to about 25% of the diet of this species.
在乾季, 牠們所吃的食物有 25% 是這些花朵.

The rest of the diet (about 20%) is comprised of green leaves and stems and, (a further 20%) miscellaneous fungi, mosses, termites and carrion.
剩下的, 約有 20% 的食物是綠葉及莖, 還有 20% 以上是一些菌類, 蘚苔, 白蟻及腐肉

In captivity, include some low-fat animal protein in the diet of these species to reflect their omnivorous preferences.
飼養牠們時, 牠們飲食中要加入些低脂的動物性蛋白才能符合牠們雜食的習性

Protein (or more probably, an amino-acid) deficiency has been noted in some Red-foot and Yellow-foot tortoises raised on entirely herbivorous diets ?symptoms have included locomotion difficulty and apparent neurological problems.
以全素食養大的紅腿及黃腿象龜可以發現牠們有蛋白質 (更精確地說, 氨基酸) 缺乏的現象, 症狀包括移動困難以及明顯的神經系統方面的問題

We recommend re-hydrating dried cat foots with additional minerals and vitamins as for turtles.
我們建議用泡軟的乾貓食, 補充牠們的礦物質及維他命

Provide one meal per week containing animal protein.

Avoid high-fat canned foods, however.

We now give about 25g of moist cat low-fat cat food to a full grown (9 kg) tortoise on a weekly basis (proportionally less for juveniles).
基本上, 我們一星期給一隻 9 公斤重的成龜約 25 公克泡軟的低脂貓食, 而幼龜就以比例減少用量

Fruits are also part of the diet of these species in the wild.

As discussed above, unlike Leopard or African spurred tortoises, their digestive tract copes easily with this richer, sweeter, higher carbohydrate intake.
如前所說, 不像豹紋龜或蘇卡達, 牠們的消化道能輕易地處理這些較高營養, 較高糖份, 較高的碳水化合物的食物.

In captivity, avoid over-reliance on banana: watermelon, papaya, guava, plums, pineapple and cantaloupe are all far more suitable.
飼養牠們時, 避免過多香蕉: 而西瓜, 木瓜, 番石榴, 李子, 鳳梨還有香瓜就比較適合


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 樓主| 發表於 2012-5-19 22:11:45 | 只看該作者
A diet that would prove disastrous to a Leopard tortoise is likely to prove optimal for a Red-foot or Yellow-foot tortoise.
對豹蚊龜有害的食物, 似乎反而有利於紅腿或黃腿象龜

For the same reason, attempting to sustain a Red-foot tortoise on a diet of mixed grasses would not be advisable; this species is ill equipped to effectively metabolise large quantities of silica-rich grass.
為了某些原因, 不建議持續地用雜草來作為紅腿象龜的食物; 牠們沒辦法代謝這些含矽量高的草食

One consequence of the higher protein, higher purine content diet of Red-foot and Yellow-foot tortoises is that they must always have access to fresh drinking and soaking water, and must be provided with adequately humid enclosures or terraria.
紅腿及黃腿象龜的飲食含較高的蛋白質及嘌呤, 所以牠們必須經常喝水, 並且要提供牠們足夠的溼度

Dehydration is a very serious hazard to any tortoise consuming higher protein and purine content foods (mushrooms, for example).
任何食用較高蛋質及嘌呤食物 (像是菇類等) 的龜龜, 一旦脫水將會造成非常嚴重的問題

It is no coincidence that all species with this class of dietary preference occur in high rainfall, high humidity ecosystems with regular access to free water.
所有食用較高蛋質及嘌呤食物的龜龜, 都是出現在可以經常取得水份的高降雨高溼度的生態系, 這並非是巧合.

This is reflected not only in their digestive tract biochemistry, but also in the manner in which they eliminate the waste products of the protein metabolism; tortoises from habitats where water is plentiful are predominately aminoureoletic, excreting a combination of ammonia and urea, while tortoises from arid environments are predominantly uricotelic, excreting uric acid and urates.
不只可以從牠們的消化道機能看出來, 從牠們消耗蛋白質所代謝出來的廢物也可以看出來; 環境中水源充分的陸龜都擅長消化氨基化合物, 排泄出阿摩尼亞及尿素的混合物, 而乾燥地區的龜龜們就擅長處理氮基, 排出尿酸及尿酸鹽

In practical terms, both species require high humidity maintenance and very high fruit content diets that include a small quantity of low fat animal protein.
簡單地說, 這兩種龜龜需要高溼度及豐富的水果作為食物, 並加一點少量的低脂動物性蛋白質.

As with all tortoises, they also require a high ratio of calcium to phosphorus, additional trace elements and vitamin D3.
和所有的陸龜一樣, 牠們同樣需要高鈣磷比, 微量元素及維他命D3

Red-foot and Yellow-foot tortoises do not bask to the same extent as arid-habitat species, and therefore obtain much of their D3 needs in nature from the animal component of their diet.
紅腿及黃腿象龜不像乾燥地區的龜龜那麼需要曬太陽, 因此, 在自然環境下牠們是從牠們吃的動物中取得大量牠們所需要的維他命 D3

In this, they closely resemble African Hinge-back species of the genus Kinixys ?which they closely approximate not only in dietary preference, but also in terms of occupying very similar habitat niches.
這方面牠們與非洲的摺背龜較近似, 不只是食物方面, 牠們的生長環境也非常相似.

References and Recommended Reading
Feeding your Tortoise - Avoiding Dietary Disasters
飼養陸龜 -- 避免飲食災難

Castano, O. and Lugo, M. (1981) Estudio Geochelone carbonaria y Geochelone denticulata, y aspectos comparables de su morfologia externa. del comportamiento de dos especies de morrocoy: Cespendesia, 10:55-122.
Highfield, A. C. (2000), The Tortoise and Turtle Feeding Manual, Carapace Press (
Moskovits, D. K, and Bjorndal, K. (1990) Diet and Food Preferences of the tortoises Geochelone carbonaria and G. denticulata in northwestern Brazil. Herpetoogica, 46:207-218
Pritchard, P. C. H., and Trebbau, P. (1984) Turtles of Venezuela. S.S.A.R. (c) A. C. Highfield 2000-2002

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動物性蛋白質是源自肉類,蛋,虫....總之是動物,不一定是活生生的。 ...


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